Monday, December 13, 2010
What About Christmas
I feel this way because it is nice to give to people that don’t have money, shelter. For so much we can help them it is such a good thing to do. Even if you can’t give to them, give to a shelter, homeless people, children’s hospitals or even anything.
Disasters - Dante's Peak
I picked this movie piece because it is neat. They used camera trickery, CGI (computer-generated images), digital footages, matte paintings, Rain Head, and wind machine. I was impressed with what they have done with all the different techniques, such as how they where using the wind machine for all the wind and dirt flying.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
"I pooted! Hello Future Boyfriend! Funny & Embarrassing Kids!"
This little girl will now be embarrassed for the rest of her life and will be called poop girl. Her mom should never had put that video on. She is only 7 now and when she gets to be a teenager she will be mad at her mom. If this was me I wouldn't let my mom put it on because I don't want to be called names for having a video of me tooting on YouTube. I think the little girl's mom was mean for putting that on.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
What I did on The Weekend
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
4-H Back Up and Running

Monday, September 13, 2010
Lizzy! and Spruce Meadows!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Grade 8 Questions
1) What do I want to learn in Grade 8?
I want to learn how to do difficult Algebra
2) Why do I go to school?
To get a good education to meet friends and see the teachers more then I do when it is summer vacation.
3) What can I do to be a good student?
I should pay more attention to the teacher when he or she is talking in class.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010

Is Tired
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I am bord (wrong spelling).
Have you had fun this year?
I have .
I have Rodeos coming up soon!
Friday, May 14, 2010
My Form
Every Tuesday my sister and I have a Rodeo practice!! I have been doing Rodeos and other Rodeo type things for 8 or more years. I think that they are really fun to do. I do Barrel Racing, Goat tying, Keyhole Racing, and Pole Bending!!! Next year I am doing Roping, I will be up against some people in my 4-H. Last year Tyrell and Wyatt (from my sister's and my 4-H) won the two buckles. So this year Desiree and I are going to go up against them in next 4-H season to try and win the buckles. Girls can do roping and win too not just boys!!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Animal Abuse Blogs
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Reed Deer this Weekend
Monday, April 12, 2010
Easter Break
Christy's Diary
One entry for a Diary in Christy's Diary
March 4, 1992
I am 20 years old and I still get to see my mother off and on but I still life with my adopted family. I still want to have a Rainbow family, have a husband that would make supper some days but a lot if I am not there to make the supper. I still like to talk to my mother on the phone so we talk a lot but we want to meet again in the park or somewhere again.
The thing that I think about open adoption is that people get to see the back ground on that child and can get and medicinal things on that child that the person adopted.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Rodeo News
Rodeo News
Hi I am Kjerstin from Neutral Hills Rodeo Wranglers
reporting the Rodeo in Oyen. This rodeo took place on July 12,
When the Rodeo Clown went to jump through the hope of
fire when his bike went of course and went right in the ring of
fire. Than the Emergency Resonance went into the ring to get the
Rodeo Clown and when they got him. Good thing for the fire
resistant clothing that the Rodeo Clown was wearing when he
went into the fire. The quickly got him onto a stretcher and
rushed him to the nearest hospital. That is when they said that
he had a broken his right leg and arm from crashing into the bull
Then they had the bull riding next and that was bad the 1st
on out got a bull named Mister Eats A Lot and the rider got on to
him and they let him out and he was a mean bull and he got his
rider off in 4.5 seconds. He was so mean the rider had to jump
the fence and get away from the bull. The funny thing was that
the bull rider landed on a person and a child. Than the next bull
was named The Worst Meany Ever and his named suited him
because he was mean the rider got onto him and they let him out
of the shots and he got his rider off in like 3 seconds, and than
tried to kill everything in his way. They had to bring out the 2
horses and cowboys to rope him and bring him out and he took
after one of the rodeo clown, which was funny.
Than they started to do Barrel Racing and the first one
went out and when they went around the first barrel the horse
slipped and than fell and landed on the rider’s ankle and than got
up and ran away. It took 5 people to catch the horse that took
off. Than the 5th rider and horse went out and got a fast time of
13.5 seconds that to me and everyone else there is very fast and
that is because it is a small arena. Than the last horse and rider
of 25 horses and riders went and they got the fastest time there
was it was a time of 11.2 seconds.
At the ending they enounced the winners for the Queen and
Princesses. That was interesting because I knew 2 of the 3 that
won the Queen and Princesses. The Queen Was Annemarie White
witch is from my 4-H club Neutral Hills 4-H Rodeo Wranglers. The
Princess that I knew was Kelsey Simpson, she is also from my
4-H club. They Rodeo around the Arena about 10 times well we
said the Cowboys Prayer, O’ Canada, and a lot more things.
At the end of this Rodeo for entertainment they had another
clown there and he tried the hop of fire and got though it safely.
Than they had a miniature bull there and everyone went to get
their photos token with the bull. They had to wear a cowboy hat,
chest pad and chaps. It was a good thing because there was a
lot of little kids that wanted to try to ride a bucking bull. The cool
part was that when you got your picture token you had to put
your hand up in the air.
This was such a good Rodeo but a bit scary with all the
accidents through out the Rodeo. Everyone did an awesome job
with the Rodeo. But most Canadians made the top ten.
Club Reporter
Writers Workshop
Mrs. Hoffman
Grade 7
March. 22/10
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Book that I am Reading About the Holocaust
The class (Grade 6 & 7's) are reading a book Called Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. The book is called that because Ellen Rosen and her parents are Jews and the Nazis are looking for them to put them into concentration camps. The Nazis wants all Jews in the camps and the Rosens are on the list. The have almost bin cough but not cough. Ellen was at Annemarie's home with her parents and sister Kirsti. The soldiers came pounding on the door and wanted to search the house and so the soldiers did so and then Annemarie ripped the necklace off of Ellen. The solders came into Annemarie's room and told the girls to go into the living room with her parents. Annemarie had Ellen's necklace in her hand the whole time and it left an indent in her hand. Then her dad was talking to Annemarie's Uncle Henrik in code on the phone so that the girls and Annemarie's mom will go there that day.
We are reading this book because we are learning about our history and so we don't do the mistakes that they did so we don't do them.
I am reading Four Perfect Pebbles by Lisa Perl and Marion Blumenthal Lazan. It is about what happened in the early 1900 hundreds. When Hitler puts the Jews into concentration camps. So Marion the main character and her mom, dad and brother Albert are in the camp and the was so they can live is to find four perfect pebbles that look the same, witch is in color, shape and size and then if Marion finds four of them they can get out of the camp. Did you know that Hitler went to jail for 4 months. It is a good book and if you want to buy it you can go to the link.
If you want to buy the book you can go to the link under, you can even read the whole book online if you don't want to buy it.
Four Perfect Pebbles
Number the Stars
Monday, January 25, 2010
My Dad's Trip to California Coming Up
Here is Monty Roberts Website:
Here are some pictures of Monty Roberts at work!!!