Thursday, November 15, 2012

What have I learned from this ELA unit that I can use to make me a better person

      What I have learned in this unit to be a better person is that you have to look at every problem/challenge as it is easy pie. Even with the biggest problem it can be as easy as only doing one thing to fix. If you think its a good idea go with that idea as it is the best for you. If you are double guessing yourself its probably not the best. With every challenge there will be a good ending even of the worst happens in it like in the story "Contents of the Dead Man's Pockey" by Jack Finney. In this story he lost his paper out the window and decided he will go after this paper. Then when he was going back he got locked out. After getting in he decided to go with his wife, but when he opened the door, the paper flew out the window again.


      To sum it all up, challenges can be big and small but all can be thought of as just a small situation.