Monday, February 1, 2010

The Book that I am Reading About the Holocaust

The class (Grade 6 & 7's) are reading a book Called Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. The book is called that because Ellen Rosen and her parents are Jews and the Nazis are looking for them to put them into concentration camps. The Nazis wants all Jews in the camps and the Rosens are on the list. The have almost bin cough but not cough. Ellen was at Annemarie's home with her parents and sister Kirsti. The soldiers came pounding on the door and wanted to search the house and so the soldiers did so and then Annemarie ripped the necklace off of Ellen. The solders came into Annemarie's room and told the girls to go into the living room with her parents. Annemarie had Ellen's necklace in her hand the whole time and it left an indent in her hand. Then her dad was talking to Annemarie's Uncle Henrik in code on the phone so that the girls and Annemarie's mom will go there that day.

We are reading this book because we are learning about our history and so we don't do the mistakes that they did so we don't do them.

I am reading Four Perfect Pebbles by Lisa Perl and Marion Blumenthal Lazan. It is about what happened in the early 1900 hundreds. When Hitler puts the Jews into concentration camps. So Marion the main character and her mom, dad and brother Albert are in the camp and the was so they can live is to find four perfect pebbles that look the same, witch is in color, shape and size and then if Marion finds four of them they can get out of the camp. Did you know that Hitler went to jail for 4 months. It is a good book and if you want to buy it you can go to the link.

If you want to buy the book you can go to the link under, you can even read the whole book online if you don't want to buy it.
Four Perfect Pebbles

Number the Stars